Thursday, June 30, 2011

Appreciating what we have!

This is something that I have heard and read time and again, but have never really done it. The realization always comes only after having lost something that I used to have.

What is lost need not necessarily be a priced possession, but once lost it seems priceless.

We don't appreciate the value of good health until we fall sick.
We don't appreciate the value of a loved one until we miss them.
We don't appreciate the value of a job until we lose one and try in vain, searching for a new one.
We don't appreciate the value of summer until winter comes and vice versa.

I am sure the list goes on, these are just a few.

I remember reading this somewhere : "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have" , which is very true.

Its imperative that once we wake up every morning, we should think of all that we have, and be thankful for them. I do this once in a while, most often forget doing it, and losing something will remind me of it.

Non-appreciating will lead to "taking things for granted", which is very unhealthy, specially when it comes to relationships.

This is one thing that we are going to feel bad once we realize we have not done it, so we better take the time to remind ourselves everyday.

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