Friday, June 17, 2011

What is "being modern"?

When someone tells me "I am a modern person" it really annoys me when they invariably mean their physical attributes like the dress/footwear/jewelry they wear or their make-up or hair-do.

For me, being modern only relates to ones thoughts. If I am able to adapt myself with the changing ideals of the present era, without compromising on my own ideals, and at the same time, not forcing my ideals on others, I will call myself modern. Per my definition, I can remain "modern" forever, irrespective of how old I become.

The only "ever-modern" person that I've known till date is my mom and all the "non-modern" people out there will surely disagree. She was this calm and serene, always-saree-clad woman, who wouldn't talk unnecessarily, endowed with enormous patience, wouldn't get irritated easily, had zero-ego(I really mean it!) and zero-temper, was selfless, had no-one that hated her whilst she herself never disliked anyone, very soft-spoken, being non-intrusive with anybody else's life unless her help was needed....

The above qualities in her that make me call her ever-modern, also makes the so-called modern people call her non-modern.

I wish I could be as modern as she was.

Of-course, I am not forcing my definition on anyone. This is just my way of looking at being-modern.

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