Thursday, March 10, 2011

Excuses Begone - 1

So.... finally I decided that I'd blog!

1. I was really inspired reading this book, so thought would put it all somewhere, 'cos I tend to forget what I read lot of times.
2. Got to keep track of what I am doing and found this the best place, 'cos this will make me really do something useful, as you guys out there reading this would be a motivation.
3. And most importantly, in this fast paced life, most of us don't have the time to take a good book and read or pursue a hobby, so am trying to brief all that interests me, so it'd be useful to you and who knows might even inspire you to do something ;)

Excuses begone by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I started reading this book today and looked like I could relate to every bit of it. I read one-third of it which was talking about the different excuses we tend to give most of the time

We are what we believe we are. Thoughts control everything in our body. When the thoughts are good, the cells in our body are energized which means a lot to our physical well-being. Positive thoughts
are said to fight even deadly diseases.

The most common excuse we give for what we are is our genetic inheritance. If there was something good about me, I would attribute it me , anything bad would go to my dad or mum. "I got this from my dad". Not fair! Thoughts are so powerful that they can even change the genes we have. Once the mind knows what it has to do and trains itself, nothing is impossible. Memetics is analogous to genetics. A meme is an idea or thought which mimics itself into other minds, in other terms influencing people. They are like viruses. Every individual is both a donor and receptor of memes whether good or bad. What we are today is not what we were when we were 3 years old. After all the good/bad memes we received from everyone we come across, we are what we are now. It is upto us to check our minds so as to receive only good memes.

A lot of all this happens at the sub-conscious level and we are unaware of what is happening in that part of our mind. The conscious mind responds to only 5% of the stimuli, the rest 95% the sub-conscious mind responds. It is imperative that we keep what goes into the sub-conscious in perfect check, as we are mostly what the sub-conscious is and hence it is rightly called the habitual mind.

There have been instances in my life when I really wanted to do something, but didn't coz I thought it was too difficult for me. Example - Involving myself in sports at school. And I should not use this as an excuse now, saying why should I attempt to do something that I have never attempted all this while. The same applies with risks. I was never good at public speaking for the very reason I never tried doing it. Why? I used to think I would be ridiculed by others and didnt wanna take the risk. Life is about choosing to do something rather than excusing ourselves out of it. It is our life and we'd better live it the way we want to(in a good way).

We dont do certain things as we presume them to be time consuming. A 60-yr old woman was talking to a counselor in NY and telling she would not take up a 5-yr course at the university as she would be too old then. He asked her how old she would be if she took the course. She would still be 65, but have done the course, which makes a lot of difference. Things look absurd and time consuming when we havent gone into it, once we are into it, every day is a learning. Tao Te Ching says " A journey of a 1000 miles begin with a single step".

Talking of family history, I still have a tendency to say I was denied of certain things as a child and that affected me a lot. But that is not true at all. We have the ability to control what we think and do, so I should have found my way out with the limited resources I was given. Given the circumstances that our parents had then, would have made them react the way they did. Probably we would understand it better when we have kids of our own, as unruly as us. Make peace with everything that transpired in the past and move on. Count each blessing. The more you get stuck in the past the more weaker and sick you become. Life is like going on a speed boat in the ocean. It leaves trails behind, but those dont impact the future of your journey. You have a vast ocean ahead and all that counts is what you do NOW. Be responsible for each of your actions without blaming the material world for any deficiencies in your life. Same is the case with family drama. Dont do something coz someone in your family wanted you to do it. Do it coz you wanna do it. Its your life and you'd better live it.

According to Mahatma Gandhi, strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will. Believe in the universal power. When you edge God out, you invite ego or false self.

You are a divine piece of the the all knowing intelligence. Love itself, trust in this wisdom, let go and let God :)


  1. A 1000 mile journey begins with the first step is the best way to start a day

    "Let go Let God" it can take a life time to understand these four words and is a great piece of advice i got from my dad too :)

    Good luck

  2. Hi, let this be the first step of your thousand mile journey.....EXCUSES BEGONE.....

  3. Hey! It's cool that you've started blogging. You have a grand opening here (the topic). I was able to identify and connect in many places.
    Besides the book, seems like memes from unni played a key role in the creation of this text!!
    Great job..waiting to read the next one (hope its not based on a book!!)

  4. Unni suggested that I read this book and I loved it.

    Not sure what u mean "not based on a book". I read the book and whatever I thought I liked in it and I could relate to, I have blogged.

  5. Lakshmi ! Well, A good beginning and a grand opening ! You write well, loved every line.
    Hope to read more from you.
    Good luck!

  6. Wow Lakshmi! That was very well written. My next visit to Landmark is going to be for this book :)
    And I love the title of your blog!

  7. Thats one of the best blogs i have read so far...Keep blogging...

  8. Well Lakshmi.. your first step in this journey (blogging) seems to have been a giant leap !! Good Job and wish you Good Luck!
    When I read this, I started reminiscing about the excuses I had given in my life:))How we sometimes put the blame on circumstances, people or at times undervalue the targets that we had given excuses for.
    Your points on positive thoughts are really motivating.I always get amazed by the functioning of each and every part of human body.Thoughts playing a major role in human body is simply miraculous. That explains the 'Medical miracles' in operation theatres and ICUs.
    Memetics seems to be very interesting too. Wish to read more about that. Does the book say more on that?
    Loved the metaphor of comparing life with the speed boat in the Ocean. Vast Ocean ahead is the most invigorating line I have heard. Wonderful!
    Keep blogging!!
