Thursday, June 30, 2011

Appreciating what we have!

This is something that I have heard and read time and again, but have never really done it. The realization always comes only after having lost something that I used to have.

What is lost need not necessarily be a priced possession, but once lost it seems priceless.

We don't appreciate the value of good health until we fall sick.
We don't appreciate the value of a loved one until we miss them.
We don't appreciate the value of a job until we lose one and try in vain, searching for a new one.
We don't appreciate the value of summer until winter comes and vice versa.

I am sure the list goes on, these are just a few.

I remember reading this somewhere : "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have" , which is very true.

Its imperative that once we wake up every morning, we should think of all that we have, and be thankful for them. I do this once in a while, most often forget doing it, and losing something will remind me of it.

Non-appreciating will lead to "taking things for granted", which is very unhealthy, specially when it comes to relationships.

This is one thing that we are going to feel bad once we realize we have not done it, so we better take the time to remind ourselves everyday.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

திருக்குறள் (Thirukkural) 396

தொட்டனைத் தூறும் மணற்கேணி மாந்தர்க்கு
கற்றனைத் தூறும் அறிவு.
For those who can't read Tamizh,
Thottanaithu Oorum manarkeni maandharku
Kattranaithu oorum arivu.

This is one of the most famous verses in Thirukkural. If you have had Tamizh language as a part of your curriculum, I'm sure you might have not missed this verse. I am no exception. This verse was in the "important questions" for exam category, and I remember having memorized it when I was in 4th or 5th grade (and am surprised I remember it now, despite my poor memory). Thirukkural was stressed so much back then, that there were Thirukkural competitions held in the class regularly, where we were supposed to recite the verses. I once got the third place and was given a radium sticker for prize :)

I happened to hear this particular verse in a movie that I saw yesterday and it struck me like lightning.

Translation of this verse : "As a sandy fount yields more water every time you dig, so does knowledge grow, the more you read, the deeper."

Why this struck me? I have let my brain rust for years now. Especially the past year has been worse. For the amount of "free" time I have had, the useful reading that I have done is negligible. I think its high time I catch up with all the reading and knowledge acquisition that I should have done years back.

Also, the reason I still remember this verse is the number of times I was made to read it back then. And one of the reasons I don't remember as much of anything that I read in the recent past is that, I basically don't care. Everything can be found on the internet and I can "copy and paste" whenever I want. Internet FOR ME, has been more of a curse than a blessing. It has made me lazy. Of-course, I didn't mean to blame the internet :)

So, the conclusion of this post, if you have to become wise, stop using the internet, stop copy-pasting.... I'm sure you all are super mad already :)

On a serious note, it is rightly said that a good book is man's best companion. People might let you down, but the books and the knowledge that is acquired from them, will only make you wise and strong. Keep reading.... :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

What is "being modern"?

When someone tells me "I am a modern person" it really annoys me when they invariably mean their physical attributes like the dress/footwear/jewelry they wear or their make-up or hair-do.

For me, being modern only relates to ones thoughts. If I am able to adapt myself with the changing ideals of the present era, without compromising on my own ideals, and at the same time, not forcing my ideals on others, I will call myself modern. Per my definition, I can remain "modern" forever, irrespective of how old I become.

The only "ever-modern" person that I've known till date is my mom and all the "non-modern" people out there will surely disagree. She was this calm and serene, always-saree-clad woman, who wouldn't talk unnecessarily, endowed with enormous patience, wouldn't get irritated easily, had zero-ego(I really mean it!) and zero-temper, was selfless, had no-one that hated her whilst she herself never disliked anyone, very soft-spoken, being non-intrusive with anybody else's life unless her help was needed....

The above qualities in her that make me call her ever-modern, also makes the so-called modern people call her non-modern.

I wish I could be as modern as she was.

Of-course, I am not forcing my definition on anyone. This is just my way of looking at being-modern.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Donate blood!

I happened to read quite a bit about blood donation and blood banks today and was taken aback to know the amount of hardship we have to undergo if we needed a pint of blood. There is so much blood shortage everywhere.

Who can we blame for this situation? Who else, but ourselves. Despite being all educated and sophisticated, a lot of us still hesitate to donate blood. We are either too scared or too busy.

Some recent articles that talk of blood shortages:

Its pathetic to know how a family has to literally hop from bank to bank, from hospital to hospital, to fetch blood for a child who has to be given blood once every month for a medical condition that she has. Also, due to the high demand of blood, some blood banks sell them for high prices, and people are forced to buy.

Or, you can't get blood unless you give a replacement blood, which means, when you need blood, its up to you to find someone of the same blood group(sometimes they accept other blood groups also, depending upon the demand) who can give blood, which is very difficult to find.

What will we end up doing if we are put up in situation? We don't have to worry because we know someone from the blood bank or a relative is a doctor or we have enough money to buy blood, however expensive it may be? Still, none of this will help if there is no blood available.

Donating blood, is infact a healthy act in terms of the donor's health also.
1. Lower iron levels in the body every time you give blood, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
2. Helps lower your risk of cancer. Consistent blood donation is associated with lowered risks for cancers including liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancers. Risk levels dropped in correlation with how often participants donated blood.
3. Help the body function more efficiently by allowing it to replenish the blood supply regularly. . This process of replenishment can help the body stay healthy and work more efficiently and productively.

Above all, the satisfaction obtained is boundless.

Something that I didn't know before - A normal healthy person can donate blood once in every 56 days. If we all donate regularly, imagine how much can be collected.

There won't be any discomfort after donating, usually. Sometimes there might be a little giddiness, but it won't exist more than a few minutes. They say its advisable to eat well before and after giving blood.

I remember donating blood in my college Lion's club blood drive, because they were giving cookies, fruits and juice and also because we could escape from the afternoon session of classes. A group of us planned and went to give at the same time, so we can also have fun, simultaneously. Unfortunately, they weren't able to take enough from me as the veins were too small or blocked(don't remember exactly), but it was fun. I didn't know then, how much a blood donation meant.

A wide-spread myth - Women can't donate blood, which is not true at all.

Sometimes, I tend to have silly questions like "what is the purpose of life?" What is life apart from family, friends, job, money? It is acts like these that will keep us going.

Donate blood, as blood can't be manufactured and others deserve it too :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rage for BUYING engineering college seats

I guess this post had to come from me immediately after the announcement of the XII grade results both the State Board and CBSC. I got to a talk to a few people rigorously involved in engineering admissions and have some observations/suggestions. Better late than never!

First of all, the increasing demand of buying a seat in the management quota has exponentially increased, reasons being many. All I can think of are:
1. I expected "x" marks in my board exams and fell short by a whisker. I aimed for a seat in "y" college, which I don't think I would be able to get now. I think I deserve a seat in the college, so am going to buy it.
2. Reservations due to caste system. The students belonging to OC(forward caste) are facing more pressure due to comparatively high cut-off range for them. On what basis are these reservations done? I have no idea. Is this the question of affordability or the facilities available for children at home? Does it mean students who belong to OC are rich? No way. I have known of children of the temple priests who study with great difficulty and the parents not being able to afford to give them higher education. They belong to OC. I have also known of a lot of students from MBC(Most Backward Caste), who come from very wealthy families. Not sure based on what all these obsolete reservations are made.
3. Peer pressure - A lot of my friends have already got a seat through the management quota, not willing to wait for the counseling, which is more than a month from now.
4. Status - I want to be raising my collars and say that I am studying in "y" college.
5. Some reasons that parents give - I don't want my son to go to a mediocre college, as there will be no competition.

Why does everyone want to go to "y" college? This is what people have to say.
"Y" is a good college. Now, on what basis do you rate a college? Based on which college sets the highest cut-off for admissions? Based on infrastructure? Based on the faculty? Whichever it maybe, I would say it least matters, unless you have very high marks, so you have 3 colleges from the same category to choose from.

For the rest of the students, I would say, the right thing to do is wait your turn.

Why am I so confident in telling so? According to me, there is nothing called a "good" or a "bad" college. This might hold good for schools but surely not for colleges. You might want to choose a "good" school, because that is the prime time, when students have to be moulded properly. This doesn't apply for colleges. The students are adults now. They know what they want to do. They have that discretion.

Technology and exposure and networking(and what not???) is boundless these days. I don't have to depend on my lecturer to teach me a particular subject. I open my computer and the world is in front of me. I am connected to all my friends, thanx to facebook, and I can have open discussions on what they are doing, be it the reference books or project ideas. What more do I need?

How does the college that I am attending matter anymore? What matters is my INTEREST. If I am not passionate about doing something, then studying in "y" college is also not going to help me grow.

I heard this from a reliable source. He had gone to a few engineering colleges to enquire about the availability and cost of management seats and this is what was done to him. The security guard, asked him to leave all this things(cell phone, paper, pen, wallet, etc.) outside. Once he went in, the guy at the counter made a phone call to an anonymous person who was quoting the price of the seats and cut the phone abruptly. No cell phones are allowed inside, fearing that someone might record what was happening in there and let it out. They themselves know what they are doing is not right.

But, if we go to them and buy the seat, are we right? Doesn't it mean that we are blindly encouraging them? I read an article in ibnlive, that says it is illegal to offer management seats until the counselling is over(read the last but one paragraph).

Guys, wake up! Irrespective of what college you study in, your degree is still going to be given by "Anna University".

Anna University hasn't announced the rank yet, but don't fret thinking if you would get an admission during counselling. I saw this website that approximately tells you where you stand. They also have a college finder, so you have an idea of what to expect.

I personally think its a good feeling to study in a college where I deserve to, which is what I did. The attitude to prove yourself will be more and you will work harder. This will not happen when you buy the seat. It will be taken for granted.

Also take into account the money involved. It can be used for something more useful, like a developing your own project idea or doing masters.

Don't go by what others have to tell you. Its your future. You know what you want better than anybody else does. And, nobody else cares about you as much as you do. Think before you act!

Good luck!