Friday, July 15, 2011

Nama Kirtanam

Had a chance to watch quite a few episodes of the show "Veedu Thedi Varuvaan Vitalan" by Sri. Muralidhar Swamiji aired on Vijay Tv and have no words to describe the experience. The discourses mainly revolved around Lord Pandurangan of Pandaripuram and about the Bhakti of great men who lived there. The way Swami narrates the stories, he almost makes us feel we were witnessing the incident. And for a restless and impatient person that I am, who doesn't willingly listen to spiritual discourses, Swami literally made me wait for the next episode.

There is not one episode where he does talk about "Nama Kirtanam". Nama Kirtanam means "Singing the Holy name of God". It is said that the only thing that can liberate us in this present Kali Yuga is Nama Kirtanam. Swami kept reiterating it, that I got into the habit of chanting Nama Kirtanam every morning and it gives immense sense of security. I get the feeling that whatever is happening to me is given by Him and He is the Only One who knows what is best for me.

I usually have the habit of asking Him what I want and also pray for people who I know, who are in trouble. Somehow these days, the people-in-trouble-list is increasing exponentially and none of us have any control over it. A person might be intelligent, a hard-worker and devote all this time towards his exam preparation, but he might not get the marks he expected. This does not mean the person isn't knowledgeable enough. It only means that none of us have control over what happens.

We keep hearing about terrorist attacks, natural calamities, etc., more often than ever. The serial bomb blasts in Mumbai yet again - is there anything that I can do to stop all this or help the victims? As an individual I think I have a duty towards fellow people, but I really didn't know what it was or of what help I could be. The only thing I could think of was chanting Nama kirtanam for the goodness of the world, which I did today.

I recently read in a book that good and bad exist, to create a balance. I least understand this. Why can't it be only good? What kind of imbalance will there be if we were surrounded by goodness always? Again the definition of "good" differs. What is "good" to me is "bad" to someone else. Is this what the balance is all about? I am confused. Amidst all this chaos, the only thing that gives me solace is Nama Kirtanam.

In Mahabharatha, Yudhistira asked Bhishma(when in death bed) the following questions: "In this universe who is the one Deva of all? Who is the one greatest refuge for all? Who is the one Divinity by praising and by worshipping whom a man attains good? Which according to you is that highest form of Dharma (capable of bestowing salvation and prosperity on man)? What is that by uttering or reciting which any living being can attain freedom from cycle of births and deaths?" Bhishma's answer to the above questions was "Vishnu Sahasranama", which is nothing but the divine names of the Lord, chanting which a person will be liberated.

A lot of other religions also dwell in reciting the Holy names of the Lord.

Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.
Christianity. John 14.13-14

Contemplate solely the Name of God--
Fruitless are all other rituals.
Sikhism. Adi Granth, Suhi, M.1, p. 728

If there be anyone who commits evil deeds... let him utter the name
"Buddha Amitayus" serenely and with voice uninterrupted; let him be continually thinking of Buddha until he has completed ten times the thought, repeating, "Namu Amida Butsu." On the strength of uttering Buddha's name he will, during every repetition, expiate the sins.
Buddhism. Meditation on Buddha Amitayus 3.30

To God belongs 99 names, 100 minus 1, anyone who memorizes them will enter Paradise.
Prophet Muhammad

Hara Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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