Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dr. Wayne Dyer - My man!

Ever since I started following him, I've been in total awe. Reading his works is inspiring. To watch him in action is a treat. At 71, he is as young and active as ever. There is this calmness that surrounds him.

His words are simple but effective. They may appear trivial, but has deep meanings. The best thing about him is the real-life examples he gives that make you realize, more than understand what he tries to convey.

I watched his movie, "The Shift" a couple of days back and totally loved it. It describes the shift in life, from being ambition-oriented to meaning-oriented. These days I often tend to think "What next?". I go to school, then college, get a job, get married, have kids and what next? Where am I heading towards? What is my purpose? What am I meant to do in this life?

Having worked for 5 years in the past, I somehow didn't have a sense of satisfaction in what I was doing, except for the fact that I was paid. What is it that I'm destined to do then? It is with all these questions that I watched the movie and was amazed by an example that Wayne gave.

(Sorry, if I don't communicate it as effectively as he does)
When you are in your mother's womb, you don't do anything, meaning, there is a Force that does everything. The Force acts on you, and you surrender to it. You don't struggle or resist it. Then why is it that you do all that once you are out and start growing. Why don't you just surrender?

This is exactly what the most-popular verse in Bhagavad Gita says too.
sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah
Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.

Though I'm still not clear, atleast I know(hope I know) in which direction to move.

When can I surrender? Only when I ditch all the ego I have. Wayne said EGO is "Edging God Out"(love this). Ego is the false-self. It is basically the feeling of "I" am doing and "I" have the power to control what "I" am doing. I know what all this means, but all the confusions arise when putting everything to practice. The key is "Let go, let God".

Watch this album of the movie.

"Life is not a race, you don't have to run. You might as well slow down, take a look around, instead of chasing everyone.."

I just started reading Wayne's blog and am liking it.

Another video of Wayne that I loved.

"You don't criticize a gift......" Wow!

For those who are not familiar with him, do get to know him. You'll fall in love.


  1. nice to read...
    I hope that i understood the concept of surrender, but whom do we want to surrender, it is a big question for me...
    i need to understand the verses of Bhagavat Gita and the important thing is to follow it...

    Happy to read your blog...keep going.. :)

  2. This is wonderful and I am going to look for the movie to watch. I saw him talking about it when I watched him on TV and never thought that it would be so good but your discussion about it makes me want to go get it. And thanks for his blog! I am going there to check it out now! I am just doing a workshop with a woman's group titled "Finding your Purpose". How apropos!

  3. @Sudhar - Thanx for taking the time to read.
    I would want to surrender unto God, the universal source from which we originated. It is only He who knows what is best for us, so all we have to do is give us "totally" to Him, rather than resisting the Force saying "I" am doing everything.

  4. @Teri - Hope you like the movie.

    I would love to attend your workshop. Is there a way I could be a part of it?
